ISS-4 Crew Greeted At Star City
Yuri Onufriyenko, Carl Walz and Daniel Bursch had their traditional after-landing meeting with TsPK people who made great efforts to prepare them for flight.

LII Cosmonaut Team Is Over
Eleven Russian test pilots were selected between 1979 and 1989 to fly the Buran shuttle spacecraft. Igor Volk and Ural Sultanov were the last members of this group to left the Flight Research Institute (LII) in 2002. Sergey Shamsutdinov reviews the history of the 'Volk team'.

ISS-6 Crews Finished Mission Training At TsPK

Yuri Alekseyevich Pershin
Yuri Pershin, the most talented and learned person in our parent company, Videocosmos, died October 5 from a sudden heart failure.
